Chinese School Andover (CSA), 安多福中文学校, is a volunteer-based, 501(c)3, non-profit, non-political, and non-religious organization. It offers education in Chinese language and promotes cross-culture exchange for northern Boston metropolitan communities. Chinese School Andover offers regular online and Sunday Program in Andover. In addition, by collaborating with other local and international organizations, CSA organizes events and cultural exchanging programs for youth across north America.
CSA strives to provide the best in quality of customized education in learning Chinese language and to promote community-oriented cultural diversification and exchanges among our societies. Our vision is to have a Chinese school for everyone.

Why CSA?
* 20 years of experience in promoting and teaching Chinese in North America
* Experienced teaching staffs who are all proven professionals and passionate about education beyond classroom
* A student-centered education and cultural exchanging school that focuses on individualized learning experience and aims to cultivate each student's confidence in using Chinese language
* Adopt the American Chinese SAT II/AP as the essential objective, and use American Language Standardized Tests as the basis for evaluation of individual's learning progress
* Keep up with the trend of digitalization and provide a high-quality online education platform

Reminder: No school on May 5th

Due to a Pike school event, there will be no Chinese school next Sunday, May 5th. The last day of school will be June 16.

CSA Andover

no chinese school on 4/21

04/21/2019 - 12:00
04/21/2019 - 16:00

no chinese school on 4/21 according to CSA calendar. Have a great weekend!

Children’s Day = Family Field Day

06/02/2019 - 14:30
06/02/2019 - 16:30

Dear Parents,

Chinese school will start soon

09/09/2018 - 00:50

Dear CSA Family,

Hope every family has enjoyed their summary vacation so far. Chinese school will start soon again in about three week. For your reference, attached please find the school calendar for the upcoming school year. If you have not registered yet, please kindly do so using the link below. Registration fee of $30 will be waived if registration is received by end of this month. If you already paid the tuition in June but haven’t registered on-line yet, please also register using the link below which will ensure we have an accurate student list for each class teacher.

chinese school is open this coming Sunday(3/4)

03/04/2018 - 00:17
03/04/2018 - 18:17

Dear CSA families,

We do have chinese school this coming Sunday, 3/4/2018.

See you all!

Chinese New Year Celebration Event Feb. 11th 2018 12:00-4:00

02/11/2018 - 12:00
02/11/2018 - 16:30

Dear CSA families and friends,
This semester seems to be passing by very quickly and the Chinese New Year is upon us in about 3 weeks. This year's New Year performance is scheduled for Feb. 11th and there will be no class on that day. Your children have been working hard with the teachers in class practicing their performance for that day. Please recognize and praise their effort at home :)

no chinese school on 12/24 & 12/31

12/20/2017 - 22:11
12/31/2017 - 22:11

Dear all,

There will be no chinese school on 12/24 & 12/31 according to the CSA calendar.

Happy Holidays!


Please support CSA when you're shopping at Amazon

CSA donation programs

12/17/2017 - 08:43
12/17/2018 - 20:43

Dear CSA Families,
The Chinese School Andover registered at Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to CSA if you login your Amazon account via below link and agree to add CSA as your charity organization. In order for CSA to benefit your Amazon purchases, each time you need to login your Amazon account via the AmazonSmile.

We also have a car donation account. If any of you plan to donate your car, please use below link. It will greatly benefit our CSA community.

chinese proficiency test reminder

12/02/2017 - 23:00
12/03/2017 - 23:00

Hi all,
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to sign up for Chinese proficiency test . See the form below.

year end photo package deal

12/10/2017 - 12:54
12/10/2017 - 16:54

CSA is offering a year end photo package deal to our families and friends
Family photo: $69, One person portrait: $30 including putting on make-up and one color photo

Date: 12/10/2017
Place: Pike School

有兴趣的家长们请填表报名, 12/10当天只有14个名额噢